Joe Biden Goes Shopping
The vice president visited Washington, D.C.'s first Costco store on Thursday (Nov. 29, 2012). He seemed to have a great time.

Hide caption The vice president came prepared with his Costco card. At right: Costco co-founder Jim Sinegal.
Saul Loeb /AFP/Getty Images

Hide caption Among the things Biden focused on during his shopping trip: books for a charity in his home state of Delaware.
Saul Loeb /AFP/Getty Images

Hide caption "Which pie? Which pie? Which pie? Which pie to choose?"
Saul Loeb /AFP/Getty Images

Hide caption "No, this really is Joe Biden!" (He borrowed a Costco employee's phone to say hello to someone.)
Saul Loeb /AFP/Getty Images

Saul Loeb /AFP/Getty Images
Yes, he talked about the negotiations over taxes and spending cuts. Yes, it was a holiday photo op. But what really struck us about Vice President Joe Biden's this morning to Washington, D.C.'s first Costco store was how, once again, he just seems to have so much fun.
We think a picture gallery is in order.